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    anxiety 結果共14筆

  • Free counseling program underused, says KMT legislator

    Kuomintang Legislator Chen Ching-hui criticizes Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor for underutilization of its free counseling program. Only 923 used it last year.
  • Range anxiety plagues Taipei’s electric scooter fleet

    Discover how the Taipei City Police Department’s shift to electric scooters, aiming for environmental sustainability, faces challenges like "range anxiety" and maintenance issues, despite growing its fleet.
    2024/09/09 16:46
  • Lawyer in Taiwan advocates for carbon neutrality among SMEs

    Peter Dernbach of Winkler Partners, Taiwan’s only law firm using 100% green electricity, shares insights on ESG practices, including reducing energy consumption by 40% and building a rooftop garden.
    2024/09/08 08:00
  • Premier Cho rules out loan restrictions, reassures citizens

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai addresses loan restriction concerns, aiming to stabilize the financial market and boost public confidence, at the Economic Development Advisory Conference.
    2024/09/03 14:06
  • Chen Wen-huei finishes sixth in Olympic weightlifting

    Discover how Chen Wen-huei faced challenges in the 71-kilogram weightlifting event at the Olympic Games Paris 2024, finishing sixth due to anxiety and a weight class change from her bronze win in Tokyo 2020.
    2024/08/10 13:48
  • Social media fuels appearance anxiety in Taiwan’s children

    In Taiwan, 71.1% of youth dissatisfied with body image, 58% took steps to change looks due to anxiety. Social media & peers fuel appearance concerns. The foundation urges action on youth body issues.
    2024/07/03 13:56
  • Premier orders crackdown on tainted chili powder scandal

    Premier Chen Chien-jen orders a thorough inspection of chili powder contamination issues in Taiwan, involving multiple government agencies like the Ministry of Justice and MOHW. Over 21,000 kilograms of tainted chili powder distributed to 13 businesses across nine cities are being investigated, with a focus on a food factory in Nantou. Chen calls for stringent measures to remove non-compliant products from shelves and promises robust action against offending manufacturers to safeguard food safety.
    2024/03/11 17:23
  • U.S. language expert shares holiday joy at Kaohsiung school

    U.S. Department of State English language specialist Maureen Rooney visited Heti Elementary School in Kaohsiung to introduce American holiday traditions to students through an interactive English language program. Rooney’s effortless English and expressive body language helped the children overcome their anxiety about fully English-taught lessons. The course, rich with audiovisual aids, guided students through the historical context of Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations, enhancing their understanding of cultural nuances. Using the festive tune "12 Days of Christmas," Rooney stimulated thoughtful discussions among students about the meaning of gifts and encouraged heartfelt English expressions of gratitude and well wishes for their families. HTPS Principal Tu Chang-lin expressed gratitude for the American Institute in Taiwan’s collaboration with U.S. officials in advancing bilingual education at the school, highlighting the value of such cultural learning opportunities to enrich the students’ English proficiency.
    2023/12/20 21:30
  • Rising depression among Generation Z concerns experts

    Exploring the rising mental health challenges among college students in Taipei, this story delves into the experiences of graduates facing job market pressures, societal expectations, and increasing rates of depression and anxiety. Experts call for a societal shift to support youth mental health.
    2023/11/22 17:56
  • NIA disputes reports of surging growth in emigration

    Recent media reports claiming a tripling growth in emigration businesses in Taiwan due to war fears have raised public concerns. However, statistics from emigration companies show no increase in approved applications over the past five years, with annual numbers ranging from 1,077 to 704. The National Immigration Agency (NIA) states that the overall migration level, currently around 20,000 people, may fluctuate significantly in the event of major events such as pandemics or wars. The NIA also notes that the pandemic has caused an increase in citizens unable to return to Taiwan, rising from 180,000 to 220,000 between 2021 and 2022. The agency emphasizes that immigration consultancy firms represent only one channel of advisory services and do not reflect the total number of emigrants. They request that the public avoid generalizations that could lead to societal instability. The NIA further highlights that exaggerated media portrayals of war-evading migration risk can cause unnecessary social anxiety and emphasizes that population mobility is part of the freedom of migration.
    2023/10/30 14:27
  • Premier defends freedom of speech amid false threat claims

    Premier Chen Chien-jen vows to defend freedom of speech and counter threatening conduct in response to Lin Yu-hung’s false claims of receiving death threats. Investigations revealed that Lin had orchestrated the incident, leading to the detention of Kuomintang member Hsu Che-pin. Premier Chen emphasizes the importance of rational discourse and hopes for a swift resolution by the judiciary.
    2023/10/03 14:52
  • Taiwan Gen Z faces mounting challenges in the job market

    As the younger members of Gen Z enter the workforce, they encounter numerous challenges, including low salaries, the pressure of starting a new job, and the difficulties of job searching. These challenges result in heightened levels of anxiety regarding unemployment.
    2023/07/17 18:32
  • 買電動車憂「里程焦慮」 過來人曝經驗:開4年沒遇過

    面對電動車風潮大家一定都聽過所謂的「里程焦慮」(Range anxiety),指的是因電動車的續航力不足,旅程中又沒有足夠的充電樁可供充電,可能顧路在半途的擔憂!在網上就有網友以「電動車里程焦慮」為題發文,認為各品牌電動車依序上市,里程焦慮和充電時間似乎是造成消費者裹足不前的重要原因。想知道網友們對於里程焦慮的考量是什麼?在什麼用車環境下會引起心裡恐慌?歡迎提供電動車無憂用車的使用方法。
    2022/05/11 14:29
  • 解封症候群! 離群索居太久.出現「社交焦慮」

    新冠疫情造成的心理問題,範圍大到難以想像,封城造成的心理壓力,解封也會有!許多民眾在居家工作一段時間後,發現自己不知道該怎麼重返社會,人與人之間的連結變得加倍困難,其實這在心理學上並不陌生,被稱為「重返社交焦慮症」(Re-entry Anxiety),需要長時間離開地球執行任務的太空人,最常出現這種症狀;此外封城前後,家長們也不能輕忽孩子的心理反應,兒童或青少年的心理成熟度不如大人,更沒辦法適應封城的各種壓力,最常見的症狀就是厭食,當孩子食慾缺缺,家長們一定要提高警覺。
    2021/08/09 19:57
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